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Courses for Educators

Our consultants lead a variety of workshops for individuals and groups who work closely with youth in a learning environment, including both certified and non-certified educators, social workers, parents and foster parents. Most of our classes qualify for continuing education credits (CEs) and participants can register individually or as part of a larger ongoing school consultation contract. Our consultants can help you select the right workshops and maintain a schedule of professional development opportunities tailored to any group size or budget.

As you consider our course offerings, please be aware that BIST is a systems-change model, not just a series of helpful hints. Our program is designed to provide intensive training and ongoing support. While we can provide a full-day introduction to the BIST model, it has limited effectiveness as a one-time presentation. Within schools, there is a direct correlation between the number of staff members trained and their successful outcomes related to the model.

It is critical for participants to commit to Basic BIST training for the most effective implementation of the BIST model as this creates a solid understanding and foundation of the BIST mission, vision and philosophy. We find that the teachers, administrators and parents are most effective in helping students make life changes when they are able to stay committed to the BIST model and concepts.

If you have specific questions about our course offerings, please contact us for more information.

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BIST is an outreach program of Cornerstones of Care. We partner for safe and healthy communities. Learn more at
© Cornerstones of Care – BIST-Gillis Campus | 8150 Wornall Road | Kansas City, MO 64114 | tel 816.508.3652 | mobile 816.912.9058 | fax 816.508.3425 | Contact Us